June 10, 2021 4:27 pm

Richard Weberg

Content is still king and always will be, and having the best content creation softwares is only going to help build and scale your business much faster and easier.

Today I am going to expose you to two of the best content creating software I have used. They are not the only two I use, but they are two of the best for the purposes I will describe below.

First, lets cover a few basics for a better understanding of why having content creation software is so important.


What is content?

Content is engaging, relevant, reliable, informative, interesting, entertaining or enlightening and is in the form of text, image, video or audio. Content is consumable. Online, content is like the newspaper delivered to your house use to be, only difference is online you do not have to wait tell the next day to get new content, it is at your fingertips 24/7.


Why do you need content?

It is extremely important for every business, entrepreneur and anyone wanting to make money online to have a strong online web presence. Without content you have no web presence, content is your web presence.

See when a potential lead, customer, or client is looking for products or services to buy, they almost always go to the internet first now a days to find it. More and more people are using the internet for everything and it is only going to keep increasing, the internet is the future, because it is a never ending stream of content, literally.

People visit a search engine like Google and then they type what they are searching for into the search box and bang, instant results, they can find what ever they want without ever leaving their home. So you want to make sure that your content (Your Offerings) are part of those search results.


How do you get to be part of those search results?

By having a blog/website with plenty of good relevant regularly updated content on it.

All businesses, entrepreneurs and anyone wanting to make money online need to make sure that the masses of people searching find their offerings on the first couple pages of the search results to drive traffic to their site, generating leads and sales.

Little or no content equals no search results..Make sense?

Search engines like Google, Yahoo, and Bing have spiders, little bots that go all over the internet searching and indexing content. These bots are driven by content and links that connect websites together, it is what enables people to travel from one website to another. Content is what makes the internet even exist!

Billions of searches are done every single day, you need to be part of those search results!


Why do you need content creation software?

Creating content manually all of the time, without some kind of automation help is MASSIVELY time consuming, just like this article you are reading now, how much time would it take a person to write an article like this..?

How many hours do you want to spend online creating content everyday? Wouldn’t you rather spend the 5 hours it took to write an article like this, doing something else?

Have you ever heard of writers block?

Have you ever had no motivation to even begin to write?


Well this is where content creation software can help.

How would you like to convert ANY  YouTube video into a fully formatted blog post & share it to social media in less than 15 minutes?

Yes, there is a thing online called “a Creative Commons license” where you can literally and legally use other peoples video content as your own. Read more about that here.

So there are two content creation software’s that we are using that will strip every word said from a YouTube video and format it for using in a blog post on your own site.

1. Content Gorilla
2. YT Evolution

Content Gorilla and YT Evolution will do similar things, but YT Evolution is more involved for having a specific WP themes to be able to use it with. Both however depending on how you want to use them and what your goals are, will save you oodles of time and effort!


How does Content Gorilla work?

Watch this video here, that my good friend Seely Clark did on Content Gorilla and how it works.


How does YT Evolution work?

YT Evolution like I said above is a little more involved then Content Gorilla, and we have not done a video ourselves on it yet, so you are better off getting it straight from the sales page as to see all it can do for you.

YT Evolution is more for creating new WP niche sites and automating content for them, where as Content Gorilla can be used to create content for any existing websites sites or really for anything you want.

We love both and use them in different circumstances when it comes to creating content for our sites and social networks.


Always remember that content is king!

Now we do not always use content creation software for all of our content on our sites, like this article here you are reading now, I wrote manually. But we still do use both of these content creation software’s weekly in our marketing of our websites.

They are both amazing software tools, that save us oodles of time! Not to mention the great content they produce that we do not have to come up with all on our own.

You got to love automation!

The best marketing strategies balance different types of content with a multitude of promotion and distribution tactics, and knowing the right software tools and resources that you can use to create user-focused relevant content that drives sales is the first step to giving yourself a competitive advantage.


I really hope this content creation software article shed some light on how these software’s can help you build a better business and save you time.

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to post them in the comments section below or just say hello, would love to hear from you.

Your Friend And Partner
Richard Weberg

Let connect and be friends!
About the Author

Hello Everyone, My name is Richard Weberg, I am happily married and have
3 wonderful children, well they are all men now…God that makes me feel old..
I am full-time blogger and affiliate marketing expert. I have been helping people make money online now for over 18 years!

I turned to internet marketing in 2003 because our local economy was literally in the toilet! It took me two years of jumping from business to business banging my head against the wall before I figured out how to profit online. You are not alone there is a solution.

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