June 22, 2021 7:42 pm

Richard Weberg

You basically have two types of affiliate programs, ones that are free to join and ones that you pay to join and the best paying and highest converting affiliate programs are not always the free ones.

If you have no experience or accolades to your name, most high paying free to join affiliate programs require prior approval before you can even get started with them, and most of these types of affiliate programs want to see your website first as well.

They want to make sure you know what you are doing, and if you do not even have your own website they are not going to approve you.

Advice For Beginners.

So when you have zero online market experience, your first approach needs to be to learn online marketing and how to build a web presence online. This should always be your first approach, because you will never make any money with any affiliate program, if you do not know how to market online.

So if this is you, then stop right here and first read this “Best affiliate marketing programs for beginners in 2021“. This article will explain how affiliate marketing works, and the best way for beginners to get started with it. The link will open in another tab so you do not lose this article you are on now.

You will always find in the articles I write, information geared towards beginners, and the reason I do this, is because I remember what it was like to be brand new to affiliate marketing, and not having a clue on how to make money with it.

My first 2 and a half years online, I ignored advice I was given, and I made nothing, so please do not be like me, and skip advice given by someone who makes multiple 6 figure incomes online. I have been doing this online marketing stuff now for over 18 years, and my first almost three years sucked, but it was my own fault..

Do not let that be you!


I always try to save others from my mistakes, because it cost me a lot of wasted time, effort and money..

Put it this way after 18 plus years of doing affiliate marketing and making multiple 6+ figures with several affiliate programs, I still take the time to learn every single day..I like this dotcom lifestyle, and realized long ago, the ticket to living it, was learning..


Experienced Affiliate Marketers.

So for those of you that are already up and running at full speed and want to catapult your earning to much higher levels, we will cover both types of affiliate programs, those that are free to join and those you need to pay to join.

I will share the best of the best for both categories. These are long running affiliate programs that are proven to pay like clockwork, and have been paying people for years..They have long outstanding track records.

These affiliate programs are the largest, as they are more like platforms, you will be able to promote multiple products and services including digitally delivered products, and physical products.


Best Paying Free To Join Affiliate Programs.

1. Fiverr – While I promote many different affiliate niches online, there is one affiliate program that covers all the bases and is one of the easiest to promote and one of the best paying.

That best affiliate program is Fiverr.

Commission Plans For Fiverr Affiliates


Fiverr is like the Amazon of digital services.

By signing up for the Fiverr affiliate program, you get to promote the world’s biggest marketplace for online services. From logo design, writing, graphics creation to programming, WordPress gigs, and business services, the options are endless.

Fiverr is the worlds largest done for you services market place!

You name it, someone as a freelancer is READY to do whatever you want, whenever you need it.

And after promoting these services, affiliates earn up to a $150 CPA for every first-time buyer or up to $1,000 per sale with their $10 CPA/10% revshare hybrid model (service prices go up to $10,000).

Overall, with 250+ categories and over 3 million digital services you can promote, Fiverr is my overall #1 choice as the best free affiliate program.

Get started as a Fiverr affiliate here.


2. ShareASale – has more than 5,000 merchants offering everything from physical products to digitally delivered services. Products & services representing over 39 different consumer categories.

Whether you are a traditional affiliate, blogger, vlogger, podcaster, influencer, or website owner looking to tap into new sources of revenue, ShareASale is your solution.

Commissions vary depending on the merchants affiliate program and type. Some merchants pay per sale, some pay per lead. Commissions can be as high as 80%. ShareASale has paid over 1 billion in commissions.

Affiliate Marketing Platform For Affiliates ShareASale



With so many products and services available, you will find something that fits your needs & business model.

Get started as a ShareASale affiliate here.


3. ClickBank – Is a leading digital global retailer with its own affiliate marketplace.

The world’s leading performance marketers have been promoting ClickBank products for over 20 years, and have earned more than $4.2 billion in commissions.

For over 20 years, ClickBank has partnered with affiliates around the world to sell to over 200 million customers.

Affiliates continue to choose ClickBank because of their ever-evolving inventory of quality digital products. With an unsurpassed reputation for reliability, you never have to worry.

Promote ClickBank Products And Earn Commissions Today


They have never missed a payment in 20 years. Commissions as High as 75%.

Get started as a ClickBank affiliate here.


Want the ins and outs of marketing ClickBanks products, take this inexpensive course.


4. Amazon – Has one of the most diverse product offerings of any marketplace or affiliate program. (If you do not make a sale here with in a certain amount of time, they will shut down your affiliate account.) I believe they give you 180 days to make a sale.

Commissions % tend to be on the lower side, but have one of the most diverse offerings you will ever find.

Amazon Affiliate Program


Amazon is one of the largest retailers in the world. In fact, in the U.S. alone, it’s responsible for nearly 40 percent of all online sales.

Anyone can access a share of the retail giant’s profits — all you need to do is have a website or social media presence and sign up for the Amazon affiliate program.

Get started as a Amazon affiliate here.


Want the ins and outs of marketing Amazons products, take this inexpensive course.


Best Paying Paid To Join Affiliate Programs.

The affiliate programs listed below have a system in place to teach it’s affiliates marketing strategies, such as email marketing, traffic generation, influencer marketing and much more.

They showcase the tools needed to become a professional affiliate marketer.

They have live webinars, that once you have joined their affiliate programs you will get access to. In these webinars they will teach you the ins and outs of the fundamentals of marketing online. These live webinars are included as part of your affiliate membership.

I have already done full reviews of these two affiliate programs on another website of ours. So once you click on the links below, they will take you to the corresponding full review.

1. Now LifeStyle

2. List Leverage


No Guarantees.

Their are no guarantees you will make money with any affiliate programs, you will get out of them what you put into learning affiliate marketing. If you join an affiliate program and do nothing with it, or refuse to learn how to market online, then expect to make nothing.

It is no different than your job, if you do not show up to work everyday, your not going to get paid.

Affiliate marketing is extremely lucrative for those that put in the effort, time, and resources to making it so. Their are many affiliate marketers who have become millionaires, and many more on their way..But this does not happen, by chance, luck or a lottery mentality..

There is no magic button, it takes hard work, dedication to learning, and taking action towards your goals every single day.


Track Record -Best Paying.

We stand by these as the best paying affiliate programs, as all of the affiliate programs we have listed have proven track records and have paid out billions of dollars to their affiliates and continue to do so like clock work.

These best paying affiliate programs have been around for years, and have stood the test of time.

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to post them in the comments section below or just say hello, would love to hear from you.

Your Friend And Partner
Richard Weberg

Let connect and be friends!
About the Author

Hello Everyone, My name is Richard Weberg, I am happily married and have
3 wonderful children, well they are all men now…God that makes me feel old..
I am full-time blogger and affiliate marketing expert. I have been helping people make money online now for over 18 years!

I turned to internet marketing in 2003 because our local economy was literally in the toilet! It took me two years of jumping from business to business banging my head against the wall before I figured out how to profit online. You are not alone there is a solution.

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