YourEightSteps first ever referral contest was a huge success, and I am personally very proud of all of our members!
The Race To 5000 Is Over..Thank You To Everyone!
Yes, we have officially a couple days ago went over the 5000 member mark, and are moving on..and very fast!
Thank you to all our wonderful members for promoting and believing in YourEightSteps, we appreciate everyone of you!
Congrats to our winners of the contest!!!
Log in to see the results, by going to the Race to 5000 tab, at the top inside the members area.
We will be paying out the winnings over the next several days.
Thanks again everyone, now its time to reset goals and move on to produce even bigger and better things. We are very excited for the future and what it will bring, and will continue to work hard to give you the very best.
Now its time to grow to 10,000, this will happen very fast, so start following the steps if you have not yet, and make 2014 your best year ever marketing online!
Richard Weberg