This is a question so many people want to jump at to give you the answers for, many people want to tell you that traffic exchanges and safelist do not work..
And most of the time, these are the same people who tried traffic exchanges and safelist, and didn’t get results..
I do not know about you, but I do not follow anybody who tries something and fails to get results. I do not listen to their advice either..
Success in advertising, success in online marketing, success anywhere in life only comes from dedication, hard work, and being driven by your goals and dreams.
There is no easy road, this is not the lottery, but people should not offer up advice on a topic they know nothing about!
Just because you have not had success with a particular marketing method, does not mean it does not work!!
I can say personally, that people who dismiss traffic exchanges and safelist are complete idiots, yes and I mean that..Why?
Because I have used them for the past ten years, and I would gladly stack up my results to any other form of advertising..Does this mean they are the only advertising sources I use…Of course not, I am not a fool, but I do not leave money lying around on the table either..
All marketing takes a dedication to learning the right process..The right process to use for any advertising source and if you do not, you will fail miserably! But do not give false information to people when you have not successfully mastered the process. Otherwise you hurt other people…
So here are some actual screen shots, that these results come from almost a complete zero cost in marketing expenses, because my advertising sources actually pay me to use them.
And yes, these are completely real screen shots from just some of my email account notifications.
And yes these happen everyday..
There is no substitute for using the right process online to create income, if you are not building your email marketing list, you are making a huge mistake!!
But traffic exchange and safelist definitely work, when you master your marketing channel!
And you do not have to have a huge budget to use them, in fact all traffic exchanges and safelist are free to join and use.
Do you like fake scrolling screenshots you see people use in their ads, and everybody seems to have the same one, there are many want to be marketers who give you all kinds of advice but have never done any of it.
The best advice to take is always from affiliate marketers who know how to build traffic, launching a program and showing screenshots of what your affiliates have done does not count!!
So now you can see the proof in black and white, that traffic exchanges and safelist do really work and get results.
See thats me on the GVO/Leaderboard for May above (Richard Weberg) I am on it every month..
I could show you more proof then this, I not only have my main list in GVO/Pureleverage, I build list in Trafficwave, Aweber, Getresponse as well, with other totally different campaigns..That build income in Clickbank, Jvzoo, etc..I do not think I need to show you anymore proof..That traffic exchanges and safelist absolutely work as traffic sources!
Traffic exchanges and safelist have been responsible for at least 80% of all my referrals, commissions, sales, and opt-ins..
Want to learn the right way to use traffic exchanges and safelist and get actual results?
Go here now and join me==> Your Eight Steps
Log in, and take action and actually follow the steps..
The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again but expecting a different result. If you keep doing the same thing over and over you will always get what you have always gotten. So what will change if you do not..?
Richard Weberg