September 17, 2020 2:02 am

Richard Weberg

Yes, literally I cried like a baby..

See here is my (Richard Weberg) story…

In 2002 I went completely bankrupt..

I had owned a couple offline retail stores that
failed after 911 happened.

The repo man took my vehicles, well I hid them

I moved my family into the basement of a friend
of mine who was living in section 8 housing..

Unemployment was so high here at that time, all
section 8 units were full..

Eventually one opened up for us, but we did get
busted living in my friends unit, and almost got
her kicked out…

By 2005 I got divorced, my Ex-wife couldn’t take
the poverty..

But All of it was a “Blessing in Disguise” keep
reading you will see why..

Let me explain…

In 2003 I found online marketing..

I was not an immediate success let me tell you..

For 2 and a half years I made absolutely nothing!

I used to sit at my computer and cry late at
night when everyone was sleeping..

I was spending 10-14 hours a day on my computer,
I literally wanted to smash the damn thing into
itty bitty pieces!

We were living in complete poverty, and the
economy here was so bad, the only job I could
find was 7.40 an hour.

So I was working 50 hours a week at my job, and
another 50 plus online..

This is when my ex-wife laughed at me for even
doing internet marketing stuff, she thought it
was a big scam and I was wasting my time..

This is one of the greatest moments in my life,
because it changed everything..

I made a decision, I vowed I would prove her
wrong no matter what!

I would be successful, and I would have the last

Funny thing is, in our divorce decree she tried
to have me put in there that if I was ever
successful with this online marketing stuff, she
would get part of the money…

NOT! That pissed me off even more..I was even
more determined now..

Needless to say, that never got put in our
divorce decree because I would not sign the
papers with it in there..

Soon after my divorce was finished, I had found a system
and made my first $1000 in commissions paid to me from online
marketing, and boy oh boy did I bawl!

I cried my eyes out..It was the sweetest moment

All that previous pain of the past was lifted, I
knew at that moment it was going to be okay!

Then In 2006 I got married to my soul mate, who
has believed in me wholeheartedly from day 1.

Shortly after we got married, I had my first
$10,000.00 day with my online marketing..

That too was a hallelujah moment!! A Holy sh*t!

I truly understand how people feel because I have
been through it all, there are details I left
out, had to, otherwise this would be a book and
not just an

Maybe someday I will write one, there is some
other really painful stuff, I am not ready to
share that happened through this progression of
events in my life..

The important thing is I made it through it, life
has become amazing for me and my family, because
I never lost sight of where I wanted my life to
go, and I never gave up..

Internet marketing has been truly one of the most
important gifts I have ever received in my life..

The life me and my family live now because of it,
is like I said absolutely amazing!!The things we
are able to do are priceless..

If you are struggling with internet marketing do
not give up, keep going, because it is from this
struggle you will rise from the ashes to a whole
new you, a whole new life, an amazing life!

The only way to fail, is to give up..

A big part of why everything turned around for me
with online marketing is because I found a system
that helped me understand it all better, it put
the pieces together I was missing..

That system is not around today, the one we use
now is 1000X better..

If I had the system we use now, back then, my
success in reaching my first $10,000.00 day would
have even been faster..

You will need support in this journey, and I want
to let you know, we will be here to help point,
guide and direct you..And we do understand your

I had NO support in the beginning, and that
sucked..It was not tell I found that original
system I used that I had any..

We have a full private Facebook community ready
to cheer you on and support you as well..

All you need to do is join us, click here and follow
some very simple instructions, you will get after.

The system we are using is helping new people win
every single day!!

Failure is not an option…

Lets get you on our Team, so you can win with
us..We want to help you live an amazing life, one
full of blessing like ours!

Much love
Your Friends And Partners
Richard And John Weberg

Let connect and be friends!
About the Author

Hello Everyone, My name is Richard Weberg, I am happily married and have
3 wonderful children, well they are all men now…God that makes me feel old..
I am full-time blogger and affiliate marketing expert. I have been helping people make money online now for over 18 years!

I turned to internet marketing in 2003 because our local economy was literally in the toilet! It took me two years of jumping from business to business banging my head against the wall before I figured out how to profit online. You are not alone there is a solution.

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