September 9, 2010 4:50 am

Richard Weberg

Someone asked me today, how difficult is it to really figure out how to make a monthly income online, and is internet marketing to complicated for most? Is this why so many people seem to fail? Would I be better off joining one of these team builds?

Is Internet Marketing To Complicated and hard to figure out for most?

The answer is no,  it is actually really simple………………but simple does not mean easy or overnight. It could be a lot faster and a lot easier if people only listened and followed directions, but most refuse to. Part of the problem is there are far way to many websites making exuberant claims about making thousands of dollars overnight and not having to do any work to get the money! In my seven in a half years of marketing online I have never met a single person who ever claimed they made a bunch of money online without doing any work. Now, there are a lot of team building websites claiming that you dont have to do hardly anything and everyone will get wealthy……… do not have to be a professor to figure out that it is mathematically impossible for everyone in the team to get rich and profit………….the numbers do not work when less than a third are doing all the work! It is the same ploy as for anyone building their own business and not a certain team, because it involves shear numbers, you throw some mud on the fence and hope some of it sticks and the more mud you throw on the fence the more that will stick! The ones that are doing all the work will learn how to market and will make the most money, the ones that thought they would come along for the ride based on the ploy that they did not have to do anything will be left with exactly what they put in……….nothing. This is why your focus should be building your own marketing list and not that of a team………….your going to be doing all the work anyway, you would be ten times better off if you built your own business! Because why should you build the numbers and list for everyone else if you are one of the few who do all the work……….it works this way no matter what, so build your own business. It is enough work the way it is….then to be building 2000 other  peoples businesses, do the math and you will understand.

“Give a person a fish and they will eat today……….teach a person to fish and they will eat for a lifetime”

Those that make there living online….. do the work………..yes essentially you are building up a massive referral organization in most programs online and very few in that organization will do anything significant. But all you need is a few who do what you do and go find there few who go find there few…………and this is where real duplication takes place and real long lasting income will be made. I see it everyday in my own traffic exchange downlines……….sponsor 50 to a hundred people and 7 to 10 of them will be generating almost all the referral credits, yes sure some others will produce a few here and there………all these few credits are for is to carry you through until you find your few that really want it like you.

What you will see with most of these team builds and some it is all ready happening to………..they will start to change the program a little bit here and there, change the numbers or add another program……….they have to because the numbers like I said earlier will not work………..because everyone will not do the work!! My whole point is if you are one of the few who really wants a better lifestyle and are willing to do the work it takes, then by all means build your own business first, it will be a lot simpler and a whole hell of a lot faster! I surf most days over ten thousand credits a day…………..most days I out surf all my referrals put together………and I have a whole lot of referrals, now what if I had to split my ten thousand credits a day with 5000 other people, how much traffic would my own sites get???             GET IT??

This is reality……………the people who really want it are going to work for it first, with every passing month it will get easier and easier as you find your few….who find their few. There is a saying that goes something like this  “what would you rather have a 100% of your own effort doing all the work or 1% of 100 peoples effort doing all the work?”  I know what I would rather have, but with internet marketing you may have 100 people in a program but maybe only 7 to 10 of them will be doing any work? Same principle, those 7 to ten people will be doing more work than the other 90.

We all use the same ploys , sales pitches to get others to join our programs and business opportunities, we try to give reasons why a new person should join up with us, I just prefer to tell people the truth………..this is why I have never joined a team build, I could not tell someone that they just need to join this team and it will be like magic, money will just come pouring in. Oh dont worry you do not have to sponsor anyone or sell anything, just surf one hour a day and you will make 19000 dollars in less than 30 days. Holllllllllllyyyyyyyyyyyy cow, how do people believe this crap????? I guess the same reason people in this country believe when polled what the number one way they would become rich was? The lottery………..I would have hoped it was to work for it.

Internet marketing is very simple, it is not complicated………you need traffic, products, a marketing system and a plan. Then you need the intangibles……

Hard work







If you have the intangibles you will figure everything else out…………..this is how people like me work for two years straight with n0 profit and do not quit……….when the dream is big enough the facts dont count! When you are really ready to listen and learn the way will present itself. Being a successful internet marketer amounts to finding a process that works, and then repeating the process over and over and over and over again. Repetition is the mother of all skill………if you do something long enough you have no choice but to get really good at it.

To Your Success And Happiness


Richard Weberg

Let connect and be friends!
About the Author

Hello Everyone, My name is Richard Weberg, I am happily married and have
3 wonderful children, well they are all men now…God that makes me feel old..
I am full-time blogger and affiliate marketing expert. I have been helping people make money online now for over 18 years!

I turned to internet marketing in 2003 because our local economy was literally in the toilet! It took me two years of jumping from business to business banging my head against the wall before I figured out how to profit online. You are not alone there is a solution.

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