May 24, 2012 4:41 pm

Richard Weberg

Most people think using Facebook or Twitter
can help drive the most traffic & income to a blog…

Unfortunately, this isn’t the truth!

The #1 “Secret Weapon” of successful bloggers and successful internet marketers is…


Having an email newsletter to send articles to or
to alert people that you’ve made a new blog post
is 100 TIMES more effective than posting to Facebook,
Twitter, or other Social Media sites.

In fact a well know marketer and very successful blogger John Chow did a blog post where he Split Tested Social Media Vs. Email Marketing, and in his comments he said “social media has a long ways to go”.

See his post here:

Users respond more to emails than any other source.
It’s the easiest way to drive people back to your blog and your offers
so they click more links and make you more money.

* You can also easily include affiliate links directly
in your emails so you can get paid without people
even going back to your blog!

And it’s incredibly easy to build an email list of people
that give you their permission to email them. You can
setup a simple “Subscribe To My Newsletter” form
on the side bar on your blog or put it anywhere else
on your site. It’s really easy.

TIP: To maximize the number of people that will
subscribe to your email newsletter just offer a special
report or bonus articles about the topic you write
about if they subscribe. For example…

Subscribe to my email newsletter and I’ll immediately
send you my Free Report: ‘How To Raise Happy Children’

* Just a quick example if you had a blog centered around raising children.

Everyday you aren’t collecting email subscribers is
money that you’re losing! Heck, once you build up a list
of thousands of people you could even shutdown your
blog and still make a great income (but not recommended to shut down your blog)!

Because having an email list creates “Cash-On-Demand.”

Anytime you want to generate some cash you can just
mail an affiliate offer or promotion to your email list —
such as for an Amazon raising happy childrens book, etc.

By far the best service to use for building your blog and email List
for marketers is Gvos hostthenprofit. Gvo is inexpensive to use and they provide the hosting, autoresponders, templates and very simple blog,
push button easy set up.

You just add some simple
code that you will create with a few mouse clicks to your blog.
Then you’ll just login to your account to send out or preschedule
messages. They even have an HTML email builder and
other cool stuff to make it easy to profit from having
your own email list and blog.

GVO makes it easy to automatically send
your new email subscribers a special report or pre-loaded
messages like I mentioned above.

You can try GVO today for just $1. You need to go
right now and create an GVO account and start collecting
email subscribers for your blog! Don’t wait and lose out
on this additional income everyday that you aren’t getting now.

Get GVO Now For Just $1 By Clicking Here:

Grow your list and build your blog traffic and income!

Richard Weberg

Let connect and be friends!
About the Author

Hello Everyone, My name is Richard Weberg, I am happily married and have
3 wonderful children, well they are all men now…God that makes me feel old..
I am full-time blogger and affiliate marketing expert. I have been helping people make money online now for over 18 years!

I turned to internet marketing in 2003 because our local economy was literally in the toilet! It took me two years of jumping from business to business banging my head against the wall before I figured out how to profit online. You are not alone there is a solution.

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