Hey gang just wanted to share real quick with you,
a video Joel did to fully explain the complete business opportunity with Now LifeStyle.
If you have not read my prior emails, or recent blog post, Now LifeStyle is currently
in pre-launch, and we are putting together a massive team. So take the time to watch
the video, and you will see what we are EXTREMELY excited about!
This is one of the absolute best viable REAL opportunities you will ever find, and we are all in the very beginning..
I would have paid thousand of dollars just to get in if I had to, knowing Joel And Mike and where this company (we) will be going!!
Click here to join Now LifeStyle, and then lock in your position in our team.
To your success my friends!
Richard Weberg And John Weberg
Joel always does the greatest videos, especially for Now LifeStyle.
This is the biggest launch we’re going to see for years, our team better buckle in dad!