September 28, 2017 7:19 pm

Richard Weberg

Me and my son John joined Now LifeStyle and started promoting it February 7th 2017, and have already earned over $35,000.00 our last monthly check was for over $8100.00. We did this with out all of the products even available yet, as February 7th was the beginning of pre-launch for the company.

We are now heading into full blown launch, and the first physical products will be added this week. We are super stoked, as our income is about to go up drastically!!

Some of you who have joined our Now LifeStyle team, are already earning 4 or 5 figures monthly. This is incredible to say the least!! Now LifeStyle in its first 6 months has paid out more then $1.8 million dollars in commissions..

We want to help more of you experience success, so I spent several hours creating over the shoulder, screen share, step by step videos on how to get started building your Now LifeStyle income and downline..

These videos will show you EXACTLY what to do, and how to do it..

This is the very first video you should watch, especially if you do not understand email marketing, and what a funnels is. **Note** if you need to see the presentations in a larger format, once you hit play, you can click on in the lower right corner of the screen, to watch on Youtube. Then once on youtube, you can click on in the corner a square like icon in the far right corner of the video to watch in full screen. You can do this with any video.

Now LifeStyle provides a lead capture system, complete with done for you lead capture pages, and a funnel.
These other videos below will explain in detail step by step, exactly what to do to start building a massive team in NLS.

And if you do not know how to copy and paste, please watch this one first so you can follow the instructions in the videos below:

How to copy and paste text and website links

1.How to identify and categorize your lead capture pages in Now LifeStyle.

Here is the information I talked about in this first video.
Opt-in Pages (Lead capture pages)- You send your traffic to these pages, so people can get more information and get on your email list. (Lead Capture System)

Opt-in and affiliate pages (Combo page)- These you can send traffic to as well, and in emails to your leads list.

Main Affiliate links/Sign up Links- These are the links you send in emails to your leads list.

2. How to add a follow up email in your lead capture system in Now LifeStyle.

Here is the information I showed in this video for your email copy for adding your first follow up email.

Subject: From (Your Name), Thank you for connecting with me and our NLS team.

Email content:
Hey my friend,
I see you are interested in learning more and getting started..

First off, I would like to share my contact details with you, so when you have questions, you can get a hold of me.

(Your Name)
(Your Email address)
(Skype if you have it)
(Your Phone Number)

Next, Very Important** Please mark this email as important and all of my emails, and add me to your contacts, so you do not miss any updates and so we can stay in contact with each other.

Now please go here, so you can reserve your spot in our team, and learn more.

(Your Link)

You are not going to want to miss this!
Lets talk soon.
(Your Name)

End of copy

Here is the email swipe page link, for more content for your follow up emails:

3. Where to advertise your Now LifeStyle lead capture pages.

Here is the links to those top traffic sources, these sources have helped us add thousands of new leads to our email list, and lead capture system in Now LifeStyle. Our team and income is exploding as well, because of these traffic sources.

Paid traffic sources:

Free traffic sources:

Ad copy page:

4.How to broadcast an email daily to your leads in your Now LifeStyle lead capture system.

Here is the email swipe copy page I mention in the video: You also have ad copy in your members area of Now LifeStyle, by clicking on the reseller tools tab in the top menu, and then clicking in the left hand side menu, ad copy.

The ad formatting tool:

5. Now LifeStyle binary qualifications and placing people from your holding tank.

If you have already joined as a free member but have not locked in yet, you really should get it done..Now LifeStyle is ABSOLUTELY exploding, and your going to want to be part of that..

We are not going to be able to help you build your organization until you do..
***If you are a free member already, and have not purchased a package yet, you are currently being passed up right now..So make sure you make a quick move and become a re-seller from your back office….

We stand by NLS and LOVE it, not just because of the money. Don’t get me wrong, the income is insane.

But we, truly, love it because of the integrity and the genuineness of the people backing it up.

And I can guarantee, whether you decide to follow the business side, or the health/fitness side, or both…

You will absolutely LOVE NLS and the family too!

We implore you get started and get serious..

So we can help you become a ROCK STAR!

I hope you can see by our over the shoulder how to videos above, that we take hours doing, that we really do care about your success..

You’re a champion! And if you don’t think you are one, we’ll get you there!

With our kindest regards,
Richard And John Weberg

Let connect and be friends!
About the Author

Hello Everyone, My name is Richard Weberg, I am happily married and have
3 wonderful children, well they are all men now…God that makes me feel old..
I am full-time blogger and affiliate marketing expert. I have been helping people make money online now for over 18 years!

I turned to internet marketing in 2003 because our local economy was literally in the toilet! It took me two years of jumping from business to business banging my head against the wall before I figured out how to profit online. You are not alone there is a solution.

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