There is good advertising and bad advertising, this is why I love traffic exchanges and safelist so much! They offer you guaranteed advertising totally free of charge if you want, all you need is a little elbow grease. I like getting free advertising, but I am smart enough to leverage my time as well by buying advertising from traffic exchanges and safelist by means of upgrading, buying text ads, banner ads, solo ads, etc.When you upgrade in these traffic resources, not only does it increase the value of every click, it increases your commission rate and the amount of advertising you receive each month. If you are actively building up your referral base in these exchanges and are upgraded, you can build up quite a nice tidy sum of income for yourself. Imagine getting paid $100 dollars a month from twenty traffic exchanges or safelist, not a bad addition to your other online sources of income, is it?
What is the one thing every online marketer, website owner Needs?? Traffic! This is why it is so important to turn your traffic business into part of your income business. How do you do this? By using your advertising to build a list of leads, and letting your email marketing list build your traffic business. By letting people know who are on your list, what tools, traffic resources you are using to build your own business….all your doing is sharing information, nothing else, I do not send product offers to my list, or inundate them with worthless business opportunities. My marketing efforts are extremely focused, there is enough information overload online the way it is. If you are sending your own list of leads offer after offer, and sending them on all kinds of different tangents, you are only going to confuse them and you will be stuck wondering why you are not making any money. With all that being said, no one has enough time to try and advertise separately 20 different traffic exchanges or safelist and build down line in them, the only way to accomplish this, is by building your list of leads through email marketing and making use of some good downline builders, one goal, one primary focus. My point being ,all your advertising should be providing you with valuable traffic, that you in turn can share with someone else, that creates even more traffic and yet both be able to create income from it.
All advertising resources are not created equal, not all of them have active, or good owners. The very best traffic exchanges and safelist, have very active owners that are constantly striving to improve their exchange and bring in new members, this keeps the exchange fresh, alive and full of new opportunity seekers, which improves the quality of the advertising and the results that you will get. If I see an owner of a traffic exchange or safelist actively advertising all over the internet, I run to go join!
Well there are three traffic resources that I recently ran to!! I have been a member of all three for a while, but was not paying attention to them until, Scott Douglas and Jason Wise joined forces and both made each other part of same team, with one purpose and one goal. These three traffic resources provide the most advertising and income that I have ever seen for the money invested, and its all residual. There is NO OTHER team build out there that can provide you with this much advertising and income …………………………..NONE! Besides that, you will never get the training and experience anywhere else I guarantee it!
Go to the link above for more specific information on each one. but my suggestion is to join all three.
To Your Success And Happiness
Richard Weberg
Let connect and be friends!