April 19, 2010 7:17 pm

Richard Weberg

As much surfing and time most of us internet marketers spend online, we are more at risk to being  exposed to various viruses, malware and trojans and other malicious attacks. So make sure you keep your computer well protected and up to date.

Look out New Viruses Are Going Around they will destroy your hard drive!

I had to pass this on to everyone today, there has been some pretty vicious viruses that are on the loose. One of them put a an attack on my computer but my avast antivirus was able to stop it after the viruse made several tries at taking over my system. I have a feature with my avast anti-virus that allows me to remove viruses before my computer lets anything else load. Fortunately my anti-virus program has been working hard and doing a great job.

One of them is a fake antivirus that trys to mimic your antivirus software you have installed on your computer, one of the ways you can spot it, is it pops up and acts as though it is scanning your computer for viruses. Users are tricked into thinking their computer has been infected and they must buy software to remove the viruses. Once installed, the fake anti-virus may also install other malware such as spam bots or keyloggers. The virus may use names that are similar to the name of your anti-virus software or try to look and act like your windows security system.

There is another one I know about, Blackmailing virus infects computers by installing a Trojan horse.

Blackmailing virus is a new type of Malware called Kenzero. It is a Trojan horse designed to profit from victims whose computers are infected. The virus installs itself on computers through a popular file-share service called Winni.

Viruses on computers can usually do damage to the hardware. This Malware demands a ransom by prompting for a credit card number. It can ridicule and embarrass its computer victims.

Browsing History

The Trojan captures the user’s browsing history on the infected computer. It then sends the information to a public website. Once the user realizes that their private information is on the Web for everyone to see, the website demands payment to have it removed.

Internet Schemes

However, the virus is a bit tricky and plays psychology on its victim. It uses the term “settle your violation of copyright law.” The user feels convinced that they downloaded illegal files from an online service.

Moreover, the Kenzero Trojan virus knows what sites the user has visited. The site that publishes the private information is registered to a fake individual called Shoen Overns. Authorities have tied this name to other related virus schemes on the Internet.

What can I do to prevent my computer from becoming infected?
While there is no method that can 100% guarantee that your computer will be not be infected with malware, there are a number of steps that you can take to lessen the probability of this happening.

1. Make sure you have automatic updates on if you are using windows, to keep your windows operating system up to date and you have the latest security updates. If you use a different operating system make sure you keep it up to date.

2. Make sure you use a very good anti-virus program, like avast and make sure you keep it updated. Check everyday before you begin your online activities to see if there are any updates to download. It is best practice to run a scan with your antivirus/antispyware product on a regular basis.

If you do not have antivirus software yet

You can download free Microsoft Security Essentials

If you feel your computer is all ready infected please visit here for guidance

3. Always keep your firewall turned on.

Happy surfing and remember to stay safe and well protected!

To Your Success And Happiness


Richard Weberg

I had to update this post today, because I was hit again by the same virus, I thought my antivirus software had removed it all, but it came back!

I found some more good information today in my quest to remove my own virus from my computer. Microsoft has a free virus scanning tool to remove viruses, that works very well. Here is the link to there free tool.


They also have a toll free number you can call and they will try to walk you through the removal of your virus,  malware or trojan.

You can call 1-866-PCSafety or 1-866-727-2338. This phone number is for virus and other security-related support. It is available 24 hours a day for the U.S. and Canada.

Just thought to pass this on…….hope it helps any of you who get infected or stops your computer from getting infected.

Your Friend And Partner

Richard Weberg

Let connect and be friends!
About the Author

Hello Everyone, My name is Richard Weberg, I am happily married and have
3 wonderful children, well they are all men now…God that makes me feel old..
I am full-time blogger and affiliate marketing expert. I have been helping people make money online now for over 18 years!

I turned to internet marketing in 2003 because our local economy was literally in the toilet! It took me two years of jumping from business to business banging my head against the wall before I figured out how to profit online. You are not alone there is a solution.

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    To Your Success And Happiness
    Richard Weberg

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